Masami Takai, Ph.D.
Dr. Masami Takai is the Managing Director and Chief Solution Officer at INVENIO Co. Ltd, an HRD (Human Resource Development) and OD (Organization Development) firm based in Tokyo. INVENIO specializes in the development of next-generation global leaders for both Japanese and foreign-affiliated top-notch companies. Dr. Takai has also been engaged with the incubation of technology ventures for more than ten years. He had served as the Chair of the Business Plan Contest in Japan from 2004 to 2008 to help technology entrepreneurs brush up their business plans. On top of that, he has been acting since 2004 as an Advisor and later a Senior Advisor at UTEC, the venture capital arm closely affiliated with the University of Tokyo. As a UTEC Advisor he made substantial contribution to the foundation and incubation of Morpho Inc., Axelspace Corp., and other cutting-edge technology ventures. He graduated from The University of Tokyo in 1985 with a Bachelor Degree in Applied Mathematics, and received Ph.D. in Aeronautics and Astronautics from Stanford University in 1990.
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