• December 18, 2014
Please welcome our new regional coordinator: Bungo Shiotani at University of Florida, USA
• December 11, 2014
The presentations of the finalists are now available!
• December 7, 2014
The abstracts and posters of the poster finalists are available!
• November 19, 2014
The contest winners were announced. Congratulations!
The 3rd Mission Idea Contest during the UNISEC-Global Meeting was broadcasted on Ustream on Nov 19.
• October 31, 2014
Poster presenters were announced!
• October 10, 2014
During the Contest, two additional awards will be given to some of the finalists.
The Student Prize will be awarded to a finalist team for the best and most imaginative design and applications of nano-satellite(s).
The IAA Award will be given to a finalist team for fostering international collaboration in space projects.
• September 1, 2014
The ten finalists of MIC3 were announced!
The finalists will present their ideas at Kyushu Institute of Technology during the 2nd UNISEC-Global Meeting.
Poster presenters will be announced soon.
• August 19, 2014
Full papers for the 3rd Mission Idea Contest (MIC3)
The MIC3 full paper due is on 15 October, 2014.
Download Full Paper Template
• June 26, 2014
Extended Deadline for Abstract of MIC 3:
We would like to inform you that, in response to a number of requests
from busy researchers and students, we have extended the submission
deadline of the abstract for the 3rd Mission Idea Contest for
Micro/Nano Satellite Utilization from June 27, 2014 to July 4, 2014
(Japanese Standard Time). Thank you.
• June 26, 2014
Regional seminar was held in Angola on 19-22 June. 
Contact: Zolana Joao

• June 5, 2014
Register online for the 3rd Mission Idea Contest!
• May 22, 2014
Regional seminar was held in Bulgaria on 21 May, 2014
at Sofia University.

Contact: Plamen Dankov and Vesselin Vassilev
Download brochure (English)
• May 12, 2014
The movie of the regional seminar held at Kyushu Institute of Technology is available online (in English).
Part1 / Part2

• May 4, 2014
The regional seminar in Egypt is available online (in Arabic).

Contact: Ayman Kassem
• April 15, 2014
Regional seminar in Saudi Arabia on April 21, 2014
at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM).
Contact: Mohammed Khalil Ibrahim
• April 2, 2014
Download Introduction to 3rd Mission Idea Contest (MIC3) for micro/nano satellite utilization

• March 24, 2014
Regional seminar in Ghana on April 8, 2014
All Nations University College, Main Campus
Contact: Manfred Quarshie
• March 15, 2014
Regional seminar in Monastir, Tunisia on March 28, 2014
During the 2nd Maghreb International Courses
in Spatial Technology
Contact: Kamel Besbes

• March 15, 2014
Regional seminar at Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan on April 4 (Fri), 2014
Contact: John Polansky

• March 7, 2014
Please welcome a new regional co-coordinator in Japan: John Polansky, Kyushu Institute of Technology
• February 15, 2014
Please welcome a new regional coordinator in Belgium: Ertan Umit, Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics
• February 14, 2014
Call for Paper: The 2nd UNISEC Global Meeting including the 3rd Mission Idea Contest
• January 10, 2014
Please welcome a new regional coordinator in Switzerland: Cem O. Asma
• December 5, 2013
The Pre-MIC3 workshop presentations are available online!

• Nov 23, 2013
PreMIC3 was successfully held on Nov. 23, 2013.
The best propsal award was given to the team of "Utilizing Nano
Satellites for water monitoring for Nile River" presented by Ashraf
Nabil Rashwan, Cairo University, Egypt and Ayumu Tokaji, University of
Tokyo, Japan.
• Nov 1, 2013
New regional co-coordinator: Dr. Alsultan, at International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
• Oct 23, 2013
See the criteria for
Best Proposal Award
• Oct 1, 2013
User-Developer Matching Results
Please welcome the five user & developer teams!
The selected five teams will work together and make presentation on
November 23 during the 1st UNISEC Global Meeting.
[Matching Results]
[UNISEC Global]
• Sep 24, 2013
New regional co-coordinator: Professor Santoni, University of Rome la Sapienza, Italy
• Sep 7, 2013
We are pleased to share a wonderful news from Bulgaria.
The small satellite mission described in Bulgaria's MIC2 semi-finalist paper won the Bulgarian government grant for the implementation.
[ More ]
[ In Bulgarian ]
• Aug 23, 2013
New regional co-coordinator: Professor Jeung, Seoul National Univ., Korea
• Aug 20, 2013
See the list of the User Needs
• Aug 20, 2013
Application of Satellite Users is closed.
Application of Satellite Developers is still open. Take a look at the list of the User Needs and select the problems you want to solve by using satellites!
• Aug 9, 2013
Online registration is now open
• Aug 4, 2013
Please welcome the Pre-3rd MIC Review Team!
• Aug 2, 2013
Please welcome the Pre-3rd MIC Regional Coordinators in the world!
• July 9, 2013
PreMIC3 Application Forms for satellite users and developers are available.
Satellite Users
Satellite Developers
• July 4, 2013

Visit us on Facebook, too!
• July 1, 2013
First annoucement of Pre-MIC3
Presentations of pre-proposals for the 3rd Mission Idea Contest (Pre-MIC3) will be held during the UNISEC-Global meeting. Selected speakers will be invited to present their ideas regarding the potential utilization of micro/nano-satellites.
[Guidelines for pre-proposal]
•January 6, 2013
A Happy New Year!
The presentations of the MIC2 finalists are available online!
•December 2, 2012
The IAA book series Novel Ideas for Nanosatellite Constellation Missions was published (based on the ideas of MIC 1 finalists).
The Mission Idea Contest (MIC) was established in 2010 to provide aerospace engineers, college students, consultants, and anybody interested in space with opportunities to present their creative ideas and gain attention internationally. The primary goal of MICs is to open a door to a new facet of space exploration and exploitation.
Klemen Zakšek et al. (NPC SPACEMIND, University of Hamburg, Center of Excellence SPACE-SI) won the 1st Place
Sean Tuttle (Univ. of New South Wales, Canberra) won the 2nd Place
The Finalists of the 3rd Mission Idea Contest
The Poster Presenters of the 3rd Mission Idea Contest
IAA Award was given to Mohamed Yahia Edries and Hala Almubarak et al. (Kyushu Institute of Technology) by Dr. Sandau (IAA)
Jan-Hielke le Roux and André Heunis (Stellenbosch Univ.) receives IAA Award from Dr. Sandau (IAA)
The Poster Award was given to Jaeyoung Lim et al. (Seoul National University) by Professor Fernando Aguado-Agelet (University of Vigo)
Luca Levrino et al. (Politecnico di Torino and MIT) won the Student Prize
Prof. Nakasuka and Luca Levrino (Politecnico)
Closing remarks by the MIC3 Review Team Chair Professor Herman Steyn (Stellenbosch University)
Closing remark by the MIC3 Review Team: Prof. Jordi Puig-Suari (California Polytechnic State Univ.)
Closing remark by the MIC3 Review Team: Prof. Hiroshi Kawahara (Cyber University)
Dr. Rainer Sandau (IAA) & Prof. Shinichi Nakasuka (ISSL, University of Tokyo)
Closing remarks by the MIC3 Review Team: Dr. Masaya Yamamoto (Weathernews Inc.)
Closing remarks by the MIC3 Review Team: Professor Shinichi Nakasuka (University of Tokyo)
Algis Karpavicius from Kaunas Univ. of Technology presents "Piezo-active Suspension system for Space Interferometry and Broadband Communications" at MIC3
Mohamed Yahia Edries and Hala Almubarak (KIT) presents "Moon-sighting satellite Otsukimi"
Ifriky Tadadjeu Sokeng (UNISEC South Africa student rep, Cape Peninsula University of Technology) presents "Africa Nano3"
Jan-Hielke le Roux and André Heunis presents (Stellenbosch University) presents "A nano-satellite constellation for tracking and monitoring endangered wildlife in developing countries"
Luca Levrino (Politecnico di Torino) presents "Lunar Relativistic Positioning System (LRPS) for Human Exploration"
Klemen Zakšek (Univ. of Hamburg) presents "Clouds Heigt Mission"
Oleg Nizhnik (JAXA) presents "CubeSat amateur laser communicator with Earth to Moon orbit data link capability"
Tomasz Szewczyk (Space Research Centre, Warsaw) presents "TwinCube"
Regional seminars was held at Luanda International Fair for Information Technology and Communications in Angola on 19-22 June, 2014. Coordinator: Zolana Joao
Regional seminars was held at Luanda International Fair for Information Technology and Communications in Angola on 19-22 June, 2014. Coordinator: Zolana Joao
Regional seminars was held at Kyushu Inst. of Tech. on April 4, 2014. Coordinator: Dr. John Polansky
Regional seminars was held during the 2nd Maghreb International Courses in Spatial Technology in Monastir, Tunisia on March 28. Coordinator: Prof. Kamel Besbes
Regional seminars was held at Sofia University on May 21, 2014. Coordinators: Dr. Plamen Dankov and Dr. Vesselin Vassilev
Regional seminars was held during the 2nd Maghreb International Courses in Spatial Technology in Monastir, Tunisia on March 28. Coordinator: Prof. Kamel Besbes
Regional seminars was held at Kyushu Inst. of Tech. on April 4, 2014. Coordinator: Dr. John Polansky
Regional seminars was held at Sofia University on May 21, 2014. Coordinators: Dr. Plamen Dankov and Dr. Vesselin Vassilev
1st Place |
Clouds Height Mission |
Presenter: Klemen Zakšek |
Authors: Klemen Zakšek, Marcello Valdatta, Krištof Oštir, Matthias Hort, Aleš Marsetič, Niccolò Bellini, Davide Rastelli, Alfredo Locarini, Stefano Naldi
(NPC SPACEMIND, University of Hamburg, Center of Excellence SPACE-SI)
Abstract (2.3 KB) | Presentation (2.2 MB)
2nd Place |
A Concept for a Microgravity Experiment
Recoverable Satellite "MERS" |
Presenter: Sean Tuttle |
Authors: Sean Tuttle, Kieran Davis, Scott Johnson, Mitchell Woodward, Andrew Neely (University of New South Wales Canberra)
Abstract (300 KB) | Presentation (1 MB)
IAA Awards awarded by International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) |
Moon-sighting satellite "Otsukimi" |
Presenter: Mohamed Yahia Edries, Hala Almubarak |
Authors: Mohamed Yahia Edries, Bianca Szasz, Hala Almubarak, Kateryna Aheieva, Nori Ait-Mohammed, Duong Bui Nam, Shiyi Chen, Hiroshi Ishihara, Shingo Fuchikami, Yoshihiro Mashima, Akira Miyahara, Daiki Muto, Haruka Nishio, Atomu Tanaka, Yuzo Tanaka, Taiwo Tejumola Raphael, Takahiro Tomioka, Long Trinh Thang (Kyushu Institute of Technology)
Abstract (4.5 MB) | Presentation (2.5 MB) |
A nano-satellite constellation for tracking
and monitoring endangered wildlife in
developing countries |
Presenter: Jan-Hielke le Roux and André Heunis |
Authors: Jan-Hielke le Roux, André Heunis, Gerhard Janse van Vuuren, Arno Barnard, Willem Jordaan, Douw Steyn, Nico Rossouw, Mohammed Bin Othman, Nico Calitz, Muhammad Junaid, Christo Groenewald (Stellenbosch University)
Abstract (400 KB) | Presentation (1 MB)
Student Prize sponsored by Gesellschaft zur Förderung des akademischen Nachwuchses (GeFaN) |
Lunar Relativistic Positioning System (LRPS) for Human Exploration |
Presenter: Luca Levrino |
Authors: Luca Levrino, Luigi Colangelo, Giacomo Gatto, Jeffrey A. Hoffman, Nicola Linty, Angelo Tartaglia
(Politecnico di Torino and Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Abstract (350 KB) | Presentation (2.6 MB)
Poster Award |
Near Real Time Space Debris Tracking Satellite using Lidar |
Presenter: Jaeyoung Lim |
Author: Jaeyoung Lim, Jihyun Park, In-Seuck Jeung (Seoul National University)
Abstract (300 KB) | Poster (1.5 MB)
Authors |
Title, Abstract, and Presentation |
Organization |
Algis Karpavicius et al. |
Piezo-active Suspension system for Space Interferometry and Broadband Communications
Abstract (300 KB) | Presentation (1.5 MB)
Kaunas University of Technology |
Ayumu Tokaji and Ashraf Nabil Rashwan |
Utilizing Nano Satellites for Water Monitoring for Nile River
Abstract (900 KB)
Keio University, Cairo University |
Bianca Szasz et al. |
Moon-sighting satellite "Otsukimi"
Abstract (4.5 MB) | Presentation (2.5 MB) |
Kyushu Institute of Technology |
Ifriky Tadadjeu Sokeng et al. |
Africa Nano3: Leveraging NANOscience, NANOtechnology and NANOsatellites for Africa-centred connectivity solutions
Abstract (600 KB) | Presentation (1 MB) |
Cape Peninsula University of Technology, University of South Africa, iThemba LABS-National Research Foundation |
Jan-Hielke le Roux et al. |
A nano-satellite constellation for tracking and monitoring endangered wildlife in developing countries.
Abstract (400 KB) | Presentation (1 MB) |
Stellenbosch University |
Luca Levrino et al. |
Lunar Relativistic Positioning System (LRPS) for Human Exploration
Abstract (350 KB) | Presentation (2.6 MB) |
Politecnico di Torino |
Marcello Valdatta et al. |
Clouds Heigt Mission
Abstract (2.3 KB) | Presentation (2.2 MB) |
NPC SPACEMIND, University of Hamburg, Center of Excellence SPACE-SI |
Oleg Nizhnik |
CubeSat amateur laser communicator with Earth to Moon orbit data link capability
Abstract (250 KB) | Presentation (1 MB) |
Sean Tuttle et al. |
A Concept for a Microgravity Experiment Recoverable Satellite "MERS"
Abstract (300 KB) | Presentation (1 MB) |
UNSW Canberra |
Tomasz Szewczyk et al. |
TwinCube - Proposal for Tether Supported Plasma Measurement 3-Unit CubeSat
Abstract (400 KB) | Presentation (1.6 MB) |
Space Research Centre PAS (SRC PAS), Warsaw, Poland |
Authors |
Title, Abstract, and Poster |
Organization |
Ahmed Farid et al. |
MENA Renewable Energy Source Mapping Via Nano-Satellite Mission
Abstract (650 KB) | Poster (7.5 MB) |
October University For Modern Sciences & Arts (MSA) and Cairo University |
Ivan Cornejo |
Jaeyoung Lim |
Near Real Time Space Debris Tracking Satellite using Lidar
Abstract (300 KB) | Poster (1.5 MB) |
Seoul National University |
Jordan Vannitsen et al. |
Near Earth Objects detection Network Project (NEON Project) Overview
Abstract (500 KB) | Poster (450 KB) |
National Cheng Kung University |
Peter Kruzlics et al. |
Sea Ice Measurements using GNSS Reflectometry from Nano-Satellites
Abstract (250 KB) | Poster (2.5 MB) |
WatSat-University of Waterloo |
Mehmet Şevket ULUDAĞ et al. |
MicroSatellite Miner (MICROMIN)
Abstract (600 KB) | Poster (900 KB) |
Istanbul Technical University, Space Systems Design and Test Laboratory |
Mohammed Khalil Ibrahim & Sultan Hassan Al-Sultan |
Space-Based System for Short -Term Earthquake Warning
Abstract (200 KB) | Poster (700 KB) |
Cairo University, University of Petroleum and Minerals |
Omar Ben Bahri et al. |
NanoSatellites Monitoring for Human Health Control
Abstract (1.5 MB) | Poster (500 KB) |
University of Monastir |
Sedat Nazlıbilek & Dr. Alime ÖZYILDIRIM et al. |
Pardus - Sat
Abstract (450 KB) | Poster (1 MB) |
Valentin Stavrev et al.
nanoTrack - Global Tracking Constellation
nanoTrack Startup Group
(alphabetical order of the first name)
• Sponsor for Student Prize:
Any individual, group, or company with space systems expertise and enthusiasm for micro/nano-satellites.
Important Dates
February 14, 2014 |
Call for Paper |
July 4
, 2014 |
Extended Abstract Due
September 1, 2014 |
Notification of Acceptance |
October 15, 2014 |
Final Paper Due
November 19, 2014 |
Final presentation |
Reasons for participation
1) Good training to build capacity
2) Find meaningful mission ideas
3) Great opportunity to make a difference using using micro/nano satellites that are affordable and technically feasible
4) High visibility of your ideas to the experts and the world- potentials for future collaboration and support |
Exploitation of nano-satellite(s) (<50 kg)
Technical feasibility and financial feasibility (e.g. rough cost analysis) should be discussed.
Evaluation Criteria
Feasibility (50 points)
Technical (20 points)
Programmatic (cost estimate, development schedule, infrastructure requirements) (15 points)
Operational (description of ground segment and communications architecture, e.g., planned use of existing infrastructure) (15 points)
Originality (50 points)
Novel mission concept not yet realized or proposed*, or a new implementation of an existing capability or service (25 points)
Impact on society (25 points)
(Note: The missions presented by the participants of PreMIC3 will be evaluated as of Nov. 2013 unless they would undergo drastic change.) |
Financial Support
We have been seeking funding resources to support travel fees for selected finalists. In the case that we will not be able to find sufficient funding and that a finalist cannot afford to coming to the venue (Kitakyushu, Japan), we would consider video presentation and online Q&A session.
Regional Seminars for the Details
Our Regional Coordinators will organize regional seminars to facilitate your participation from all over the world. Stay tuned for regional seminars.