Authors |
Affiliation |
Title |
Movie |
Category 1 | 1st Prize |
Mary Knapp, Alessandra Babuscia, Rebecca Jensen-Clem, Francois Martel |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA |
SOLARA/SARA: Solar Observing Low-frequency Array for Radio Astronomy/Separated Antennas Reconfigurable Array |  |
2nd Prize |
Masashi Kamogawa, Kohei Tanaka, Kikuko Miyata, Kaori Mochizuki, Kento Nakazawa, Hideki Kayaba, Junichi Takisawa, Kiichiro DeLuca and Yoshihiro Kakinami
Tokyo Gakugei University, Keio University, NESTRA, The University of Electro-Communications, University of Tokyo, Georgia Institute of Technology, Hokkaido University, Japan |
Project of Micro-Satellite Constellation for Earthquake Precursor Study
|  |
Category 2 | 1st Prize |
Morné Roman, Ayokunle Ayeleso, Matthew Sibanda, Paul Bayendang, Kelvin Gomo, Khaya Dwaza, Craig Olivier and Fenni Shidhika
Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South Africa
Underground and surface water detection and monitoring using a microsatellite.
|  |
2nd Prize |
Edgardo G. Macatulad, Ed Carla Mae A. Tomoling and Mylene J. Villanueva
University of the Philippines |
|  |
IAA Award
Jordan Backs, Jared Bottoms, Sepehr P. Khaligh, Ben Lange and Scott Williamson
University of Alberta, Canada
AlbertaSat-1:Greenhouse Gas monitoring for Industrial improvement
|  |
Student Prize
Mike-Alec Kearney, Pieter Botma, Willem Jordaan, Jako Gerber, Emile Thesnaar, Francois Nolte, Alex Erlank, Christo Groenewald and Arno Barnard |
University of Stellenbosch, South Africa
The OuterNet: A novel satellite communication relay constellation
|  |
Best Poster Award
Akira Doi, Hideaki Hinagawa, Hiroaki Hamada
Space Systems Dynamics Laboratory, Kyushu University, Japan
IDEA(In-situ Debris Environment Awareness)
Poster 1.3 MB |
The tables below summarizes the applications that passed the first review process (July 1, 2012).
The final presentations (above) were made on Oct 10, 2012.
Time |
Title |
Presenter |
Affiliation |
Abstract |
Presentation Slides |
Movie |
Opening remarks
12:00-12:20 |
Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing Using Nano-Satellites for Multiple Environmental Applications |
Edgardo Macatulad |
University of Philippines, the Philippines

205 KB |
 2.7 MB |
12:20-12:40 |
Underground and surface water detection and monitoring using a microsatellite. |
Morné Roman | Cape Peninsula Univeresity of Technology, South Africa |
 342 KB |
 1.2 MB |  |
12:40-13:00 |
Global Tracking System |
Ragy Ismail | Institute of Aviation Engineering and Technology and Al-Azhar University, Egypt |
 186 KB |
 449 KB |
Time |
Title |
Presenter |
Affiliation |
Abstract |
Presentation Slides |
Movie |
14:30-14:50 |
Nano-satellite constellation collecting global pre-earthquake signals for space-borne early earthquake detection
Charlie Soon and Vu Bui |
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore |
 410 KB |
 2.2 MB |  |
14:50-15:10 |
AlbertaSat-1: Greenhouse Gas Monitoring for Industrial and Environmental Improvement |
Jordan Backs |
University of Alberta, Canada |
 1.1 MB |
 970 KB |  |
15:10-15:30 |
ADR Mission with small satellite |
Marcello Valdatta, Niccolò Bellini and Davide Rastelli
University of Bologna - Second Faculty of Engineering - Space Robotic Laboratory, Italy |
 4.0 MB |
 2.3 MB |  |
15:30-15:50 |
SOLARA/SARA: Solar Observing Low-frequency Array for Radio Astronomy/Separated Antennas Reconfigurable Array |
Mary Knapp |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA |
 218 KB |
 1.8 MB |  |
Project of Micro-Satellite Constellation for Earthquake Precursor Study |
Masashi Kamogawa, Kohei Tanaka and Kiichiro Deluca |
Tokyo Gakugei University and Keio University, Japan |
 177 KB |
 2.4 MB |  |
16:10-16:30 |
The OuterNet: A novel satellite communication relay constellation
Mike-Alec Kearney and Willem Jordaan |
University of Stellenbosch, South Africa |
 947 KB |
 865 KB |  |
16:30-16:50 |
SWIMS - Short Wave Infrared Maritime Surveillance
Nil Angli |
Surrey Satellites Technology Ltd., UK |
* |
* |  |
* The abstract and presentation material have been removed upon the
author's request.

Poster Presentations
Time |
Title |
Presenter |
Affiliation |
Country |
Abstract |
Presentation |
16:50-18:00 |
IDEA: In-situ Debris Environmental Awareness |
Akira Doi, Hideaki Hinagawa and Hiroaki Hamada |
Space Systems Dynamics Laboratory, Kyushu University |
Japan |
 543 KB |
 1.3 MB |
Commercializing Weather Prediction
Bhagyashri Telsang |
Manipal Institute of Technology |
India |
 182 KB |
 904 KB |
SofiaUniversitySAT (Small Communication Satellite Mission for Enhancement of Antarctic Investigations) |
Kaloyan Zlatkov |
Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" |
 710 KB |
 1.1 MB |
Satellite real time monitoring of water flood and quality in Tunisia |
Kamel Besbes |
University of Monastir |
Tunisia |
 90 KB |
 461 KB |
Integrated Rescue Service Satellite (IRS-Sat) |
Mohamed Mahmoud Ibrahim and Batsuren Amgalanbat |
Kyushu Institute of Technology |
 280 KB |
 1.5 MB |
Laser-Assisted Rain Control Constellation |
Ravit Sachasiri, Pirada Techavijit and Nicha Pittayapongsakorn |
Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency |
Thailand |
 671 KB |
 1.2 MB |
Droplet Stream Orbital Debris Remediation |
Thomas Joslyn and David Besson |
United States Air Force Academy |
 199 KB |
 995 KB |
Not attended |
LeSTAR-Lessius Satellite for Teaching and Autonomous Research
Dirk Van Merode |
Lessius University College |
Belgium |
 207 KB |
Ad Solis Ad terram |
Alonso J. |
Spain |
 678 KB |
Mary Knapp (left), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, won the first prize in Category 1- Mission Idea and Satellite Design, given by the MIC2 Chair Dr. Sellers
Masashi Kamogawa, Kohei Tanaka, Kiichiro Deluca, Gakugei University, Japan, won the second prize in Category 1- Mission Idea and Satellite Design, given by the MIC2 Chair Dr. Sellers
Morne Roman(right), Cape Peninsula Univeresity of Technology, South Africa, won the first prize in Category 2- Mission Idea and Business Model, given by Prof. Kawahara
Edgardo Macatulad (right), University of Philippines, won the second prize in Category 2- Mission Idea and Business Model, given by Prof. Kawahara
Jordan Backs (left), University of Alberta, Canada, won the IAA Award, given by Dr. Sandau
Mike-Alec Kearney and Willem Jordaan, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa, won the Student Prize, given by Dr. Sandau
Akira Doi et al., Kyushu Univ., Japan, won the Best Poster Award, given by Prof. Aslan.