9th Mission Idea Contest

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Regional Coordinators

We inform with great regret that Prof. Esaú Vicente Vivas, Mexican Regional Coordinator of Mission Idea Contest, passed away in the middle of November. We express our sincere condolences to his family.

In memory of our friend and colleague, Prof. Esaú Vicente-Vivas In memory of our friend and colleague, Prof. Esaú Vicente-Vivas

Esaú Vicente-Vivas, Ph.D

Instituto de Ingeniería, UNAM, Mexico

Dr. Vicente-Vivas Esaú Vicente-Vivas received the BS, M.Sc. and PhD degrees in electrical engineering from the National University of México (UNAM). Since 1982 he has done research for the Institute of Engineering and since 1985 and 1989 he has been lecturer at the School of Engineering and at the Postgraduate School of Engineering, UNAM, México City. In 1985 he DEVELOPED GASCAN experiments for the Space Shuttle at Utah State University and in 1988 developed hardware for image processing at the Space Applications Center, ISRO, Ahmedabad, India.

His research interests include computer system architecture, human machine interfaces, high available and fault-tolerant systems, and small satellite instrumentation.

He participated successfully as leader for the automation hardware and software for the 55 Kg SATEX Microsatellite project.

From 2007 to 2009 was the general director to design, develop and test a small cost-effective portable didactic satellite called SATEDU for training purposes in the satellite technology field. This system is under patent process in México.

Currently is the team leader to develop the first Mexican Nanosatellite within an international network from several countries to develop the HUMSAT (humanitarian satellite) Nanosatellite constellation.

Esaú Vicente was part of the promotion group to generate the Mexican Space Agency which is now established.



Contact: evv(at)servidor.unam.mx

List of Regional Coordinators

Regional Seminar Schedule

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