9th Mission Idea Contest

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Regional Coordinators

Mr. John Mugwe

Afrosoft, Kenya

John Mugwe is a Kenyan National working in the private practice. He has an own company dealing with information management including geographic information systems.

Previously he worked with United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and was instrumental in running of the Mercure information network which was a satellite based telecommunications in 16 countries. Mugwe's other pursuits are a dedication to see that poor children access secondary school education.

Contact: mugwej(at)hotmail.com

Mr. John Mugwe

Dr.-Ing. Faith Njoki Karanja

University of Nairobi, Kenya

Dr.-Ing. Faith Njoki Karanja is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Geospatial and Space Technology, University of Nairobi. Dr.-Ing. Karanja has a Ph.D. in Geoinformation from the University of Hannover, Germany, Masters in Surveying and Photogrammetry, Postgraduate Diploma in Computer Science, BSc. in Surveying and Photogrammetry all from the University of Nairobi. In addition, Dr.-Ing. Karanja has a Masters in Business Administration (Project Management) from Kenyatta University. Her core duties entail training, research, consultancy and mentoring in the field of Geoinformation. Specifically, her field of specialization is Remote Sensing and GIS with a focus on data acquisition using Earth Observation Satellites, Digital Image Analysis and integration of Remote Sensing with GIS in generating information that can be employed in addressing real life problems for instance natural and man-made disasters, food security, poverty, urbanization, climate change effects, etc. In addition to training she is involved with supervision of Postgraduate Theses both Masters and Doctoral degrees in the field of Geoinformation. Her other duties include curriculum development and review, serving as a member of the Postgraduate Committee in the School of Engineering. At the National Level she is a member of a committee mandated with establishing a Kenyan Space Agency. She has published widely and has a total of 10 papers in refereed journals and more than 15 papers in International conferences proceedings.

Contact: faithkaranja(at)uonbi.ac.ke

Dr. Karanja

List of Regional Coordinators

Regional Seminar Schedule

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