Fernando Aguado-Agelet, Ph.D
Fernando Aguado-Agelet received his MSc and PhD in Telecommunications Engineering from the University of Vigo, Spain, in1992 and1996. His major field of study is system engineering in nanosatellites. He is a Professor in the Department of Signal Theory and Communications at the University of Vigo, Spain.
He is currently the Principal Investigator of the following Nanosatellite Projects:
- HUMSAT Nanosatellite Constellation, an international initiative for a United Nations Satellite Constellation
- European Operation Node of GENSO
- Xatcobeo Project in cooperation with INTA (Spanish Aerospace Institute):
development and launch of a 1U Cubesat selected for the maiden flight of the new European Launcher, Vega. (www.xatcobeo.com)
He is also involved in the Ground Segment of the following ESA Projects:
- ESEO: European Student Earth Orbiter
- ESMO: European Student Moon Orbiter
Contact: faguado(at)tsc.uvigo.es
Prof. Ramón Martínez received his MsC and PhD in Telecommunication Engineering from the Technical University of Madrid in 1999 and 2004, respectively. Prof. Martínez is Associate Professor in the Telecommunication School in the Technical University of Madrid (ETSIT-UPM) since 2008. His main activities lie in mobile and satellite communication systems and antenna arraying. He is lecturer on Satellite Communication Systems Engineeering.
Professor Martínez has participated in several ESA and EU projects in the communications engineering area, and has been the Principal Investigator of research contracts with industry.
Since 2008, he is the coordinator of TelCUBE, an innovation project funded by its University to promote the implementation of hands-on activities in small satellites with students. Currently, he leads the set-up of a ground station in ETSIT-UPM under GEOID project. In its University, Prof. Martínez organizes annually a Seminar on Pico/Nanosatellite Technology and a Workshop for promoting the participation of students in space activities.
He is also the Academic Secretary of the Master in Space Technology at the Technical University of Madrid. Prof. Martínez is member of the Steering Board of STA (Space Trajectory Analysis), an initiative to develop an open source tool for space trajectory analysis under the support of ESA.
Contact: ramon(at)gr.ssr.upm.es
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