Grand Schedule
June 2010: Announcement of contest details
July-November 2010: Regional seminars to introduce the competition details in each region: Egypt, Kenya, Singapore, Korea, Germany, Spain, Mexico, Brazil, USA, and more… Contact the regional coordinator in your area.
- Online submission was closed.
Finalists will be announced on Jan 20, 2011.
December 20, 2010: Submission deadline

December 20, 2010 – January 20, 2011 : Evaluation by reviewers:
- January 2011: Announcement of finalists
- Each team of finalists shall prepare a formal paper describing their proposed idea (detailed guidelines to be provided)
- One representative from each team of finalists will be invited to Japan (expenses paid) to participate in the final presentation stage
March 1, 2011: Submit final papers for review
March 14, 2011: Final presentations and selection of winners in Tokyo
Regional Seminar Schedule
Contact the regional coordinator in your area for the details.
Egypt Report 1 (770 KB) Report 2 (1.3 MB) Report 3 (2.4 MB)
Location: 1F lecture hall, Aerospace Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University
Date: Aug 2, 2010, 11:30am-1:00pm
Contact: Mohammed Khalil Ibrahim
Email: Khalil(at)
Brazil Report (11 KB)
Date: August 25th, 2010, 10am
Location: Escola Politécnica da USP
Dep. Eng. Mecânica, Av. Prof. Mello Moraes, 2231.
Prédio Eng. Mecânica e Naval. Room ET 14, Cidade Universitária,
São Paulo, SP
Contact: Fernando Stancato
Email: fer.stancato(at)
Spain Report (103 KB)
Date: September 7, 2010
Location (updated on Sep 4): Sala Reuniones - Torre de Comunicaciones, ETSI de Telecomunicación Campus Universitario E-36310 - Vigo (SPAIN)
Start time: 11:00 Spanish Time
Webcast: /
Webcast manual
The link to follow the event is:
(User: "Entrar como invitado" and write your name.)
Contact: Fernando Aguado Agelet
Email: faguado(at)
Germany 1
Date: September 9, 2010, 5 PM
Location: room B202 in the computer science building, Würzburg University
Contact: Marco Schmidt
Email: schmidt.marco(at)
(Another seminar is also planned in October.)
Mexico Report (400 KB)
Date: September 10th, 2010, from 10:30 to 1pm.
Location: Salón de Videoconferencia del Edificio 18,
Instituto de Ingeniería, UNAM, México DF
Contacts: Esaú Vicente Vivas, evv(at)
M en I. Paloma Pedrajas, ibipinups(at)
* The seminar will be shared with Mexican Institutions all over the country through videoconference facilities.
A second MIC seminar including countries in our region is being planned and will be announced soon.
Singapore Report (460 KB)
Date: September 15, 2010, 4 pm
Location: Executive Seminar Room (S2.2-B2-53), School of EEE,
Nanyang Technological University
Contact: Low Kay Soon
Email: ekslow(at)
Report (450 KB)
Date: September 17th, 2010, 3pm
Location : Building N7 (Room 1501), Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Contact : Hyochoong Bang
E-mail : hcbang(at)
Lithuania 1
Date: Oct 6-8, 2010
Mission Idea Contest Promotion at the 1st International Space Conference in Lithuania:
Contact: Vidmantas Tomkus
Email: vidmantas.tomkus(at)
Another seminar on Nov 10-11.
Venezuela 1 Report (190 KB)
Location: Universidad Simon Bolivar, Auditorium
Date: Oct 7 (Thu), 2010
Time: 11:30 AM
Contact: Dr. Andres Arenas
Ph: 0416.629.0126
Another seminar on Nov 18.
Date: October 18th, 2010, 2 pm - 5 pm
Location: #7 Building, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokyo
Contact: Prof. Seiko Shirasaka
E-mail: shirasaka(at)
Presentation slides (430 KB)
Implementation plan (in Japanese, 240 KB)
Idea generation (in Japanese, 210 KB)
Germany 2 Report (140 KB)
Date: October 26, 2010, 9 am and 12 pm
Location: room ÜR II in the computer science building, Würzburg University
Contact: Marco Schmidt
Email: schmidt.marco(at)
Kenya Report (200 KB)
Date: October 27th, 2010, 2 PM
Location : Department of Geospatial studies, University of Nairobi
Contact : John Mugwe
E-mail : mugwej(at)
South Africa Report (60 KB)
Date: October 28, 2010
Location : The 3rd Space Industry Seminar hosted by F'SATI (French South African Institute of Technology)
Contact : Robert van Zyl
Peru Report (190 KB)
Date:November 4, 2010, 4 pm
Location: Centro de Tecnologías de Información y Comunicaciones de la
Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería
Contact:Hector Bedon and Jose Oliden
Email: hbedonm(at) / jose.oliden(at)
Vietnam Report (30 KB)
Date: November 9, 2010, 9 am
Location: House B2
of Space Technology Institute (STI),
18 Hoang Quoc Viet, Hanoi, Vietnam
Contact: Dr. Pham Anh Tuan
Lithuania 2 Report (130 KB)
Date: November 10, 2010, 2 pm, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
Date: November 11, 2010, 6 pm, Kaunas University of Technology
Locations and details
Contact: Vidmantas Tomkus
Email: vidmantas.tomkus(at)
Venezuela 2 Report (240 KB)
Place: CELARG Casa Romulo Gallegos, Altamira, Caracas
Date: Nov. 18 (Thu), 2010, 6 pm
Contact: Dr. Andres Arenas
Email: arenas750(at)
Ph: 0416.629.0126
Turkey Report (340 KB)
Date: November 26 (Fri), 2010, 11:30 am - 12:30 pm
Location : TAV Conference Room, ITÜ Maslak Campus, Aeronautics & Astronautics Faculty, Ground Floor
Contact: Alim Rüstem Aslan
Email: aslanr(at)