9th Mission Idea Contest

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Regional Coordinators

Prof. Dr. Naoufal Raissouni

University of Abdelmalek Essaadi

Raissouni Naoufal Raissouni received his M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Physics (Remote Sensing, Earth Observation & Geoscience) from the University of Valencia (Spain) in collaboration with Louis Pasteur University (Strasbourg-France) and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS-France) in 1997 and 1999, respectively. He is professor of physics & remote sensing at the National Engineering School for Applied Sciences (ENSA) at the University Abdelmalek Essaadi (UAE). He is actually heading the department of Engineering Technology-Telecommunications & Mechatronics. He was in charge of scientific research and professor of physics & applied mathematics at the Mediterranean University's Center of Science and Technology (MUST) in Valencia (Spain) from 2001 to 2003, cooperating with the Universidad Politecnica de Valencia (UPV-Spain) and the Ajman University of Science and Technology (AUST, United Arab Emirates). He was heading the Innovation & Telecoms Engineering (I&TE) research group and actually is heading the RS&AID laboratory at UAE. He is President of the Remote Sensing & GIS (RS&GIS) Association. He was a member of the Remote Sensing Scientific Team coordinating the WATERMED European Union funded project-2000 (Spain, France, Denmark, Morocco and Egypt). He participated to the elaboration and coordination of various scientific projects using Satellite Remote Sensing techniques gathering southern and northern countries of the Mediterranean basin (since 1995). Dr. Raissouni is supervisor/co-supervisor of several Final Year Projects, Master and Ph.D thesis. He is Associate Editor of the Applied Journal of Remote Sensing (JARS) (since 2013). He is referee of several recognized international journals and symposiums. He published several scientific papers in the field of Satellite Remote Sensing and related applications. Dr. Raissouni's research interests include atmospheric correction in the visible and infrared domains, the retrieval of emissivity, atmospheric water vapor and sea/land surface temperature from satellite images; huge remote sensing computations; Mobile GIS; Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN); infrared radiometry in-situ measurements and development of remote sensing methods for land cover/use/change dynamics monitoring.


For further information: www.remotesensing.ma/raissouni

Contact: nraissouni(at)uae.ma>

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